Brutal Review: Hard Candy: Birthday Suit Palette

Hey guys! So today I thought I’d talk about the Hard Candy Birthday Suit palette -the first in the line of many of my cruelty free “drugstore” impulse buys. Hard candy is a cruelty free makeup line carried exclusively at Walmart- I haven’t tried much of their stuff so I thought I’d go for it… 

There was a period of like 3 days a couple weeks ago when I decided I was in to neutrals… and I was attempting to survive yet another shopping trip to Walmart with a toddler- so I ended up with this guy lol 

  I was totally suckered in by the studs on the side 

It’s painfully basic- but I guess that’s what I was going for that day lol…. It has 10 decent sized shadows. The colors vary in texture- it seemed like the darker ones were pretty dry/ powdery. The lighter ones feel similar in texture to my urban decay naked basics- very “buttery” as they say… Just not as hardcore mushy as the urban decay shadows…. I’m honestly not a fan of that texture- it feels creepy- mushy and I feel like it tends to muddy up more easily than a firmer texture shadow- that’s totally personal preference though! Some people love that! 

The pigmentation is fairly decent except for that blue- that was super disappointing- and that last shade totally doesn’t show up on me lol. For a palette under $10 I can’t really complain but I’m not super stoked on it either. 

I’m trying out more and more “drug store”/ “low end” things- and there are some truely amazing lines, and truely amazing products but this is pretty overwhelmingly meh…. Id rather spend my money on NYX or ELF. 

Here is a look I came up with using this palette.  I feel like neutrals make me look kinda dead lol 


2 thoughts on “Brutal Review: Hard Candy: Birthday Suit Palette

  1. I haven’t had much luck with these series of their shadows either but they just realized dupes for the classic too faced palettes that are apparently pretty good so I’m thinking about trying those out instead. You did a great job with it though! Beauty!

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