Brutal Review: ELF Hydrating Face Primer

So this is the third primer I have tried- I have tried the smashbox original primer and the nyx photo primer in addition to this one… For my crazy dry skin the ELF Hydrating Face Primer has been my absolute fav!! I also love that it’s also the cheapest at only $3!!


It comes in a little pump- which I LOVE.. It’s not the sturdiest thing ever but it does work really well. I find 3 pumps works best for me- a pump for each cheek and 1 for my forehead and chin. I really do use a lot quite frankly lol but it reeeeeally helps with my dryness- ESP the dry patches I get under my eye area and damn it- it feels nice!! 

 One Pump Of Product 

The texture is very silky and smooth, it glides on very easily and it lasts until I take my makeup off. It feels extremely hydrating without feeling like I’m wearing a grease mask which is awesome!  It doesn’t irritate my skin which is huge because my skin is crazy sensitive as well. It doesn’t completely keep the dry patches at bay but it does help my foundation and concealer stay in place- however- very happily- this combined with the ELF setting spray DOES keep the dry patches in check!!  This has been my every day go to primer for about a month now and I’m loving it!!! 


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