Brutal Review: Shea Moisture Hair Mask

i love trying out new things and doing reviews! I was originally going to do this post about my Bare Minerals Bareskin foundation but I feel like I don’t have a super solid opinion on the product yet.. I want to give the best review possible so I’m going to give it another week… But in the mean time….

Some awesome things happen when one of your best friends gets dreadlocks- they get awesome hair, they don’t need the same hair products anymore– they give you said products!!!!!!! My beautiful friend gave me a heaping pile of goodies a few weeks back and I’m happily and thankfully working my way through them!! One of the first things I grabbed was this Shea Moisture hair mask. 

Weeeee!!! I haven’t really done many hair masks (or masques if you want to be pinkys up fancy about it) so I was excited to smash this all over my hair!! I have nightmarishly thick- wavy- tangle prone- dyed a million times- monster hair so deep conditioning is a big part of it’s life. 

I should probably also say I’m (clearly) not a hairdresser- Im completely clueless with most things hair related and have always viewed my own hair as a sentient being I merely try to appease. No matter what I do- it mostly does what it wants..but I have learned it loves to be moisturized and pampered. If not done properly- it will seek its vengeance……


I used it for the first time after my last dye session..I followed directions and was pretty underwhelmed with the results but I figured it was because my hair was coming through just being dyed so I decided to try it again.

Aaaaand I did…. 

I want to love this product but I really don’t…the company seems like an incredible company that cares about people and doesn’t test on animals but the fact is my hair feels like straw and it looks like it does seven days after washing it. I only wash my hair weekly but I think I’m seriously going to wash it again tomorrow just to get this stuff out of my hair because it feels like it’s making my entire head/ face feel oily and gross. I’d totally be willing to deal with oily hair if it was nice and soft but this is not a nice texture at all. Plus I swear I need half the container to coat my hair properly…

Yuuuuuck!!!!!!!! In conclusion this product is a big bag of Nope for me unfortunately. I can’t wait to wash my hair and get this stuff out of it!!!! Officially dead to me. 

 So far I’m still loving my Ion Effective Care Treatment and I’m going to happily use it tomorrow lol. 

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